
warikoo Wanderings


Published almost 2 years ago • 3 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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We all love holidays.
The reason varies.

Most of us love vacations because of its most common form.
Or, in today's terms, Instagramming :)
We take these vacations to visit places.
We visit these places, to click pictures.
We click pictures, to share them on Instagram.
We share them on Instagram, to show to the world that we too have a happy perfect life.

This is the first form of vacation - the Instagram Vacation!

The second form is the chilling vacation.
I prefer calling it the Goan vacation.
There is no agenda for the vacation.
We take these vacations, to eat and drink.
We eat and drink, to numb ourselves.
We numb ourselves, to escape from our routine.
We want to escape from our routine, because it gets to us often.

This is the second form of vacation - the chilling vacation!

The third form is the immersion vacation.
I prefer calling it the "become a local" vacation.
There is an agenda for the vacation.
We take these vacations, to experience the local life.
We wish to experience the local life, to see how it is different from ours.
We wish to see how it is different from ours, to know what we do not know.

This is the third form of vacation - the immersion vacation.

However, all these three forms of vacation could have one thing in common.
They are tiring.
Because we are so absorbed in "taking the vacation", we often find ourselves just as tired after the vacation as we were before the vacation started.
It is like we went from running one marathon to another.
Convincing ourselves that the vacation marathon is a break, when it truly wasn't.

Which brings me to the fourth kind of vacation.
The one that doesn't require us to go anywhere.
Not have an agenda.
No itinerary.
No immersion.
No experience.

I call it the reflective vacation.

It is the vacation where you slow down, not to numb yourself, instead to reflect, to think, to ponder, to introspect.
You take a break from your life, not to run away from it, instead to think about it.
So that once you come back from the vacation, you know how to navigate your current life better than you were before.

It is the vacation we all need.
But we rarely take it.
The vacation that seems unnecessary, but isn't.

The best part?
It can form part of any of the first three forms of vacation, should you wish to.

Take the reflective vacation.
Everyday, if you can!
Because you can.


Have been travelling so did not pick up a new book this week.
However, did release a review of Sapiens - which remains one of the best books to understand our history as a civilization.
I am also giving away free copies of the book - both paperback and the awesome illustrated version of the book.

Check out the video here.

My book DO EPIC SHIT is now available in Hindi, Marathi and Tamil.
Of course, also in
English :)
2 more languages coming up!


Make relationships at work. Be genuinely interested in people.
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Let go of credit when you need it the most. It will fortify you as a human being.
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You do not become indispensable by wanting to be indispensable. You become indispensable by showing up and doing the hard things even when no one is watching.
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2 weeks back I asked you:

What do you prefer to watch on YouTube?

  1. Shorts
  2. Long format videos
  3. Don't watch YouTube

Here are the responses:

  • Contrary to popular expectations, Shorts (or short format content) is preferred as one increases in age. Especially so for YouTube.
  • This is because YT is like a university for younger folks and entertainment for older folks.
  • So younger people still focus on the long format content to watch and learn, while the older folks are using YT to kill time (just as they would use IG).

My response?
I use YT only for long format, while IG is my short format (reels) platform now.


During our team offsite last month, one of such breakfasts extended for 3+ hours where we all spoke about our love life, the highs and lows.
It was so wonderful - no judgement, no pressure, just sharing.
Rare to find such a team :))


What is the best part about a vacation?

  1. Sightseeing/Tourist spots
  2. Chilling/Relaxing
  3. Clicking/sharing pictures
  4. Different from everyday life
  5. Discovering a new place/culture

​Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)​​​​


Title of episode: Stop saying these things to yourself
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

Conversation with Neha Nagar
You can watch it here.

3 books that can make you rich
You can watch it here.

21 ways to win at your job
You can read it here.

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
​​(Garmiyon ki chhutti mein train journeys ki kasam)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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