
warikoo Wanderings

Motivation has multiple faces

Published about 1 year ago • 3 min read

This is the quintessential question for the generation.
In the middle of all distraction, the abundance of choices, the constant FOMO, how do I get myself to act? Where do I draw the motivation from?

Funny enough, a WhatsApp conversation with my friends reminded me to speak about it.

We are motivated to do things ONLY under 2 circumstances.

1. We like what we have to do!
Think about it - we rarely require motivation to do the things that we like doing, things that we want to do.
It just happens.
Without any push.
Mind you though - this works for both 'good' and 'not so good' things.
You could just as much be motivated to workout (if you really like working out), as you could be motivated to sleep 30 minutes more (if you like sleeping).
But this works. Without fail!

2. We are 'forced' to do things we do not want to do.
The reality is - we will NEVER be motivated to do the things we do not want to do, unless there is external pressure applied.
I know when I say external pressure, the construct in your head is most certainly a negative one.
Punishment, rebuke, reprimand, penalty.
Yeah - that's something we are used to.
But the external pressure could very well be positive as well.
Financial incentives, acknowledgment, respect, fame, sense of progress.
An accountability partner.
Something that makes us move, that tells us it is non-negotiable to show up, or oddly pleasant to show up.
Or in serious cases, something that fears us, scares us, scolds us to move, to show up, to get that thing done.

But if you live a life constantly under circumstance 2, it can be daunting.
You feel like you are always chasing something, always in need of an external trigger, a stimulus. More so, you are worried what happens if that external pressure goes away.

Which is where comes the trick.
Pick up something you want to do, but do not like doing (say going to the gym).
And then don't wait for the external pressure.
CREATE that external pressure.
Hire a trainer. Go with a friend. Sign up for the membership. Commit to a goal publicly. Find a new love interest in your gym. Engage in the gym gossip.
Whatever works for you!

Do it, until you move to circumstance 1.
And you will.
Until then, the created 'pressure' is your ally, your friend.
Create it, before the world forces one on you!

All the best :))

📕 Book I'm reading this week

Finished reading HOW TO DO THE WORK by Dr. Nicole LePera. MUST READ for everyone, especially suffering from trauma of any sort.

Started reading Intentional Integrity: How Smart Companies Can Lead an Ethical Revolution by Robert Chesnut.

The book is about Robert's wide experience in helping companies develop an integrity framework. He is currently the Head of Legal at Airbnb and one can imagine the issues they might face on a daily basis.
🏚️ A guest destroyed the host's house. Who is responsible?
👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 A manager has a romantic relationship with a colleague. Should that be allowed?
🧑🏿 A host rejected a booking when they realized the race of the guest. What can be done here?

I like the book for its 'no answer is obvious' approach, while still maintaining a stand.
A light read after a lot of hard-hitting books lately haha :)

🌉 I'm coming live to your city


18th March

🗣️ Response to last week's question

So interesting!
I have conducted this survey earlier as well and the results haven't changed.
The younger someone is, the more they are keen to read minds. Because they think there is something interesting in there.
But as you grow older you realize what a nuisance our mind is. Keeps changing everyday, every time! It's far better to travel and chill, than to read people's minds! Haha
You also realize you don't need superpowers - you are happy aise hi :))

My answer:
I would LOVE to fly - even better if it can be fast flying. So that I can visit places and come back home the same day :)

🙋🏻‍♂️ Question of the week

How funny are you?
Based on what you think, or what people tell you?

  • Very funny. I can do this professionally.
  • Ok ok funny
  • Sometimes funny, mostly not.
  • Not funny at all
  • Don't want to answer

📸 Picture of the week

An exceptional sketch gifted to me by Dr. Apurva, who does this as a hobby.
This was in Ahmedabad, as part of my book tour. Thank you Apurva :))

🚀 Content I shared this week

🎧 Podcast:

This year is not important | Yeh saal important nahi hai
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

📹 YouTube:

11 ways to learn faster

📱 Instagram:

It's okay

🐥 Twitter:

How I retain what I read

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Garmiyon mein aam khaane ke excitement ki kasam)

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warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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