
warikoo Wanderings

Stop worrying about what to do in life

Published about 2 years ago • 4 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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I was speaking to one of my mentees this week, for our monthly catch up. During the conversation, she felt visibly low on energy and not her usual self. I asked her what was wrong.

"I do not know what to do in life!"

Now that is a question we all have for ourselves.
We don't know what to do in life.
We don't know if what we are doing in life is the right thing to do.
If there is something else we should be doing.
We feel this vacuum, as if life is meaningless.
We do not know if what we are doing is going to take us to where we wish to go.

We all seem lost.
But you know the one who isn't lost?
The one who doesn't have to get to some place.

Stay with me.

We all have been raised with the belief that there is a map for our lives.
A map that takes us from where we are right now, to where we wish to go.
The map that has paths designed, very well paid out.
Paths that have been walked on by thousands and millions before, thus, concluding that they indeed take people to that destination.
And without thinking much, we follow suit.

And then, we do not reach the destination.
Or worse, we reach it, but we somehow do not feel what we thought we would feel.
We felt reaching the destination would make us happy, give us joy and peace, and make us calm.
Instead, what it gave us were a few moments of happiness.
And then normalcy.

Until, one day, someone tells us of a new destination.
Oh wow. A new journey to undertake?
A new map?
A new path?
Let's go for it!

And we set sail again.
And we reach the destination.
And the same feelings repeat themselves.
We feel this vacuum.
We reached where we had to, but we are not feeling what we wanted to!

My response to my mentee's question was:
"Do not try to ask what you should do in life. Instead, ask, 'How should you live your life?'"

You see, these maps, these paths, these destinations - they have been designed by the world.
While thousands walked on them and reached their destination, several thousand walked but never did.
And a far greater number reached the destination to realize that wasn't theirs.
These maps, these paths, these destinations - they are all a trap!

Becoming an engineer, a doctor, a lawyer, a CA, a journalist, an entrepreneur - they are all identities.
They are NOT destinations.

The destination is just one - to be happy in your life. To be truly truly happy in your life.
And you DO NOT KNOW what gives you that, unless you walk on multiple paths.
Unless you actually get lost, because you choose not to follow any map.
Unless you ask yourself "How do I live my life, so that I am happy living my life?"

And then go ahead and live it that way.
When you do, YOUR path will automatically emerge.
It may be a path that no one has ever walked on.
But it will be the path that you ought to walk on.
It is your path.
It is your map.
It is your destination.


I finished "No Ego" by CY Wakeman.
If you are a leader - I'd say drop everything and read this.

This week, I had a chat with Chalchitra Talks around my interest in books, movies, OTT series,, etc.
Towards the end, the hosts Vaani and Vaibhav shared a recommendation from their side. Vaibhav shared a book that I had heard of often, but never read.
The Little Prince.

Ordered it and completed it this week.
It is the 2nd most translated book in world history (guess the first?) and is such a beautiful book around childhood and adults and how as we grow up we forget the true joys of being a child.

Here is a wonderful quote from the book:
“All grown-ups were once children... but only few of them remember it.”

My book DO EPIC SHIT touched sales of 1,20,000+ and starting this week, the surprise is being rolled out slowly and gradually on Instagram :)
If you haven't read it till now, you can consider ordering it here :)


Change is hard only for those who are not ready for it.
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When a person can’t find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure.
- Victor Frankl
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A lot of us will never be successful in our lives, because the definition of that success is defined by the world and not us!
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Last week I asked you:

What is the hardest part about your life?

  1. Not much money
  2. Managing relationships
  3. Managing work/studies
  4. Dealing with my own thoughts

Here are the responses:

1. As we age, work becomes less and less important as compared to other things.
2. Managing yourself on the other hand, becomes harder. That is because we begin to also understand how complicated we are.
3. Money is somewhat stationary in a tight range.
4. Relationships become tougher to manage. And I can tell you from experience - they do :)

The results were exactly on the lines that I expected. Did anything surprise you?


Caught this at the Delhi airport last week :))


Would you want to know your future, assuming you cannot change it?

  1. Yes
  2. No

​Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)​​​​


Title of episode: Are you a savior or preventer?
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

Title of video: 14 courses to help you make money
You can watch it here.

Title of video: 3 signs of people you do not want in life!
You can watch it here.

Title of thread: How to get lucky in life?
You can read it here.

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
​​(Meethe ki bajai chewing gum khaane ki kasam)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn or view it on the web.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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