
warikoo Wanderings

My wish for you for 2023

Published over 1 year ago • 3 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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My new book - Get Epic Shit Done - is now out. Amazon India, Audible (worldwide), Kindle (worldwide), KukuFM, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon UAE and all retail stores across the country.
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31st December is such a weird date.
Come to think of it - so many people in the world come together to rejoice, to celebrate, to wish each other, to acknowledge the year gone by. It is a moment.
And yet, there is no difference.
The sun rises the same way, the birds chirp the same way, the trees sway the same way, the wind blows the same way.
There is nothing to suggest a new dawn, except the flip of a calendar page.
But if that flip can allow us to flip into a new feeling, then why not?
Why not use that as a wonderful excuse?

So here is my wish for all of you, for 2023.

1. May you realize this year that you are not running a race. You are not competing with anyone. You are not slower or faster than your peers.
You are just on your own journey.
You get to see everyone else. But you get to compete with no one!

2. May you figure what is authentically you. Something that makes you truly happy, that doesn't sound or look or feel like work to you. Something that is not driven by the world's definition of what you should be doing, instead your desire to do what you want to do.
You get to be you. Not someone else's definition of you.

3. May you fall in love with your own self. Realize you are your own best friend, with all your secrets, your strengths, your shortcomings, your weirdness. Believe that no one will truly know you the way you can know yourself.
And the day you truly know yourself, no one can touch you.

This year, consider not setting any goal, any target, any destination, and certainly not any deadline to achieving them.
Instead, consider setting habits. Habits that you know are taking you closer to the version of you that you wish to become.
And let the process take over.
Trust the process.
Trust yourself.
Believe in yourself.
Love yourself.

I am excited for you in 2023 :))


Took a break from reading this week. I shared my top 10 books from 2022 last week - did you read that?

My second book GET EPIC SHIT DONE has launched!
It is available on Amazon India, Audible (worldwide), Kindle (worldwide), KukuFM, Amazon US, Amazon UK, Amazon UAE and all retail stores across the country.


You don’t have to read books. You have to enjoy books.
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This year, fall in love with yourself. And see yourself for who you truly are.
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Failing is NOT a permanent condition. Calling yourself a failure is!
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Last week I asked you:

How was 2022 for you?

  1. Really good
  2. Really bad
  3. Somewhat good
  4. Somewhat bad
  5. Neutral - neither good nor bad

For most of you, the year was really or somewhat good. However, notice the subtle differences.

1. As one got older, the really bad/somewhat bad share reduced. That is because with time we (oldies) realize that what felt like a bad year early in our lives isn't such a bad year now.
2. The definition of neutral year also goes down with age - we tend to know more clearly whether the year was good or bad, as we experience more years.

What this means?
If you are young, and you think you had a bad year - give it time. You will realize the year wasn't so bad after all. It was more of a year where you figured a lot of things about yourself! :)


Kerala is stunning. STUNNING!
Went to the Periyar National Park (the jeep pic is from there). Climbed up a hill, just in time to witness this mesmerizing rainbow!


Do you celebrate 31st December?

  1. Yes, at home
  2. Yes, by going outside
  3. Yes, by travelling
  4. No

​Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)​​​​


Kahaan hai ye passion
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

Watch this if you are in your 20s

You are not old

We made 27 Cr revenue this year

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
(Saridyon mein thande paani mein nahaane ki kasam)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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