
warikoo Wanderings

How much money do you need?

Published about 2 years ago • 4 min read

warikoo Wanderings

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Look at the world.
Everyday, all of us get up and start living the day.
Most of which comprises either studying for a job, or working in a job.
To what effect?
To earn money.
And why money?
Because money is needed to live in this world.
We need money to buy food, clothing, shelter.
We end the day, all tired, perhaps even disillusioned, dissatisfied, disgruntled.
But we get up again the next day - and start the chase again.
To earn money.

Let me ask you this, how much money do you need to live?
Think about it for sometime.
How much money do you need, in order to live?
When I say "live" I mean have food to eat, reside someplace, and have clothes to wear.
And I'd argue, for most of us reading this newsletter, the answer is - not a lot!
We don't need a LOT of money to eat our own food (if we cook it ourselves), to wear clothes (if we aren't dressing everyday for the MET gala) and to live someplace (if we don't have to buy the place we stay in).

So, if this is indeed true, why are you working so hard for money?
Ohhhh - I get it - to get comfortable.
You know - eat better food, wear nicer clothes, stay in a nice home.
Fine. I understand.
How much money does that need?
Some more than your basic needs. But is it really that much more?

So, why are you working so hard for money?
Ohhh - I get it - to buy things.
You know - the fancy latest phone, the vacation, the car, the sunglasses, the club membership, the cool shoes.
Fine. I understand.
How much money does that need?
Some more than earlier. But how much more?

Does it not bother you, that you do not know the answer to this question?
You do not know how much money do you actually need in life?
To live life the way you would want to?

I ask this question often.
How much money do you need in life?
And I am always fascinated with the answers.
Most people do not know.
The ones who do quote crazy figures. 300Crores ($40Mn) is one that I heard recently.
I bet the person doesn't even know how to spend 300Crores, let alone safeguarding it.
We either do not know how much money we need in life or we want "more than enough, so that we won't have to think of it"

Find the answer!
Here is why:

If you do not know the answer to this question, you will continue chasing a number that never stops.
You will spend your entire life working to earn money, more money, some more money, a little bit more.
Even when you have enough.
Enough to stop and not have to work for it anymore. Or at least not to the extent you do.

For me, the answer is 21.7Cr ($3Mn)
If I have this much money, I know that all my current and future needs and desires will be met. ALL of them.
And I know that once I have this money, the decision to continue working for money becomes a choice.
Not a compulsion.

We all love more money.
We just don't know why!


Last week I finished reading 2 books - "Mind without Fear" by Rajat Gupta and Limitless by Radhika Gupta (clearly a Gupta week for me lol!)

I highly recommend both, if you are into autobiographies. While "Mind without Fear" is about a life so well lived and then comes crashing down in a second, Limitless is a fascinating story of tenacity, overcoming self-doubt, defeat, and difficulties.

I had the opportunity to record a video with Radhika (coming soon) and she is such a genuinely inspiring and authentic individual that you cannot help but wish her success.

I started my next book (reading a lot nowadays) - WILL by Will Smith. Early signs are awesome. While it is Will Smith's life, it is written by one of my favorite authors, Mark Manson. And he has a gift as a storyteller. Loving the book so far.

My book DO EPIC SHIT has touched sales of 120,000+ and I would love for you to join the family :)
You can buy a copy of DO EPIC SHIT here.


Only you know what you are going through. ONLY YOU!
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If you are happy with where you are in life, nothing else will matter.
If you aren't, everything will seem to matter!
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If a manager's response to "by when do you need this?" is ASAP, then they really do not know by when they need it!
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Last week I asked you:

Would you want to know your future, assuming you CAN change it?

  1. Yes
  2. No

Here are the responses:

Last week I had asked the EXACT opposite question. Would you want to know the future, if you could NOT change it. And most people said, no (see below)

But if they can change the future, then suddenly everyone wants to know the future. How convenient :)

The big observation:
As we increase in age, most people do not want to know their future, even if they can change it. It is almost like them saying "what difference does it make now!"


Attended a wedding after 2 years! My first cousin's. In Chandigarh.
Don't ask me who is who. The one in the white is me :)


What time do you generally have dinner?

  1. Before 6pm
  2. Between 6-8pm
  3. Between 8-10pm
  4. Between 10-12pm
  5. After midnight

​Click here to let me know your answer (anonymously)​​​​


Title of episode: What to do in life isn't important
Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcast, Apple Podcast, JioSaavn, Gaana or YouTube.

Title of video: 5-step framework to changing careers
You can watch it here.

Title of video: My most embarrassing moment
You can watch it here.

Title of thread: 17 life hacks you can start using today
You can read it here.

You can, of course, always write to me by simply replying to this newsletter.

I love reading all your emails, even though I may not be able to reply to them all.
​​(Garmi bahut hui, ab baarish ki wait ki kasam)

You can share this newsletter on WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, or view it on the web.

warikoo Wanderings

by Ankur Warikoo

Entrepreneur, Author, Content Creator with 9M+ followers across platforms. I share this newsletter every Friday around personal growth, books, quotes, pictures - it is the most personal version of me online.

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